The fall is always such an exciting time! As we wind down the hot summer, activities begin to build to take advantage of our wonderful fall weather. Captains for Kids, Miracle League, and Steps for Autism are all on the horizon, along with much more!
The Autism Pensacola Board and staff are all very excited about changes that are coming up this fall. As many of you know, we were chosen as idgroup’s 4th annual ‘Brand on Us’ recipient. This was an extensive process that engaged many of our key stakeholders in strategic plan- ning for the future of our organization. The next step is the creative part—a new logo and marketing materials that will help get the word out about Autism Pensacola. This is our final newsletter with the ‘old’ look! Look forward to our new logo and much more during the month of November.
In light of this great event, the board has decided to celebrate by moving our Annual Membership Drive to November. This means that your current membership will be extended to the end of 2016. We plan to offer incentives to join in late 2016 for the entire year of 2017 and this will be our plan going forward. Stay tuned for more details about this exciting way to launch into next year! By the way, if you are a paid member of Autism Pensacola, watch for your ballot in the mail in early October. We always announce the results of our board election at our Annual meet- ing which is scheduled for October 18th.
#Steps2Acceptance is our hashtag campaign for this year’s Steps for Autism Walk coming up on September 24th. We have heard so many wonderful stories of people who are hearing our message of acceptance and taking the time to really see and understand individuals with autism. Please keep sharing these stories on social media with our hashtag! Thank you to everyone who has set up a team, joined a team or sponsored Steps for Autism. This annual event is celebrating five years this fall! Please plan to join us at the Wahoos Stadium for a fun day Sept. 24th. Let’s show our community how much we love our ‘kids’!
See you there! Remember, we are here for you, and together we make a difference!
*Artwork created by campers.