February 17th, 2018
Empowering Saturday – Workshops, Respite, Sibshops
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Our local Empowerment Parent Resource Center is sponsoring an Empowering Saturday on Feb. 17th with something for everyone! All events are FREE and located at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church.
For parents – There are workshops that will appeal to everyone. Lunch is provided with registration. To register for the workshops: http://bit.ly/2BXi88A
Workshop topics include:
- How to help a child with ADD/ADHD succeed
- ABLE Trust is a financial planning tool for your loved one with disabilities future
- Talk to a Resource Specialist over lunch
- How to make your case to your local/state representatives
For siblings – Sibshops provide fun opportunities for siblings of children with special needs to interact and learn from one another in a supported atmosphere. Sponsored by FDLRS/FIN/SEDNET Emerald Coast.
- Sign up for Sibshops: http://bit.ly/2CSHiCf
For individuals with disabilities – Respite sponsored by EPRC, PURE Friendship Ministries and Autism Pensacola.
- Register for Respite: http://bit.ly/2CGrC6i
The Empowerment Parent Resource Center is committed to full compliance of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Persons who desire accommodations should contact: Destry LeBrun at 850850-375-4790, EPRC Site coordinator, Jim Howard, EPRC Parent Resource Center. 850-982-1293. Email EPRC.NWFL@Gmail.com Please call at least 72 hours prior to the event to allow time to arrange your accommodation.