Your Navigators In Your Quest for Answers.
Through education and advocacy, we work to improve the lives of those impacted by autism through generating awareness in the community, offering educational programs to families and individuals with autism, and facilitating connections through professional and personal networking opportunities and support groups. Whatever the need, we’re here to help.

*Disclaimer: Autism Pensacola provides information on disability-related services in our two-county area as we are aware of them. Information on this web site should not be viewed as an endorsement, nor is it comprehensive.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a group of development disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavior challenges. Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability, affecting more children than juvenile diabetes, pediatric AIDS, and childhood cancer combined.
Facts about autism:
- It is estimated that 500,000 children with autism will turn 18 in the next five years.
- Just over one percent of children in the United States ages 3-17 have a form of autism.
- The latest analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 54 children has ASD.
- Autism is more than four times common in boys than in girls.
- 1.5 million Americans live with autism.
- Autism accounts for nearly $60 billion in annual [healthcare] costs.
- Sixty percent of costs are on adult services.
- Cost of autism over a lifespan is $2.4 million per person.
- Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention.
- The expenditure in the school system for a child with autism is estimated to be 3 times that of a typical regular education student.
- Only 56% of children with autism finish high school.
- Only 21% of adults with disabilities participate in the labor force.
People with autism:
- A third of people with autism are nonverbal and may not respond to verbal cues.
- May appear anxious, nervous, upset for no apparent reason, or dart away unexpectedly.
- May engage in repetitive behaviors and self-stimulating behaviors.
- May not be able to speak or may speak with difficulty.
- May not understand right from wrong or the consequences of their actions.
Interacting with someone with autism:
- Use simple, concrete language.
- Speak slowly and allow time for response.
- Repeat simple questions and give lots of praise.
- Do not attempt physical contact.
- Remember that each individual is unique and will be different.
Signs of concern for further evaluation:
- A baby that does not babble, coo, gesture, point, wave, or grasp by 12 months.
- Does not say a single word by 16 months.
- Unable to say two-word phrases without help by 24 months.
- Has any loss of language or social skills at any age.
Adult Services
- Arc Gateway
- Arc of the Emerald Coast
- Capstone Adaptive Learning & Therapy Centers, Inc.
- Goodwill Easter Seals of the Gulf Coast
- Hidden Talents: Workforce Readiness Preparation and Coaching
- Pensacola Care, Inc. – Pensacola Developmental Center (PDC)
- PURE Friendship Ministries
- Pyramid
- Social Security Administration
- Vision of Hope
- Vocational Rehab
- Argos for Autism at UWF
- Best Value Schools: Colleges for Students With Autism
- Turning 18
The Arts
- Pensacola Museum of Art – Creative Camp for Autism
- Melody Makers 850 – preschool and special needs piano lessons
- Madewell Arts Studio, LLC – art therapy and lessons
- Gulf Breeze School of Music – music therapy
Articles & Presentations
- Autism Spectrum Quarterly
- Advancing Futures for Adults with Autism
- Understanding the IEP Process Part 1
- Understanding the IEP Process Part 2
- Effective Advocacy Part 1
- Effective Advocacy Part 2
- Adult and Child Mental Health Care, LLC
- Blue Tide Therapy
- Faith and Hope Counseling
- Florida State University Multidisciplinary Center
- Hagerott, Karen Dr. – Neuropsychologist
- Hello Calm Therapy Services
- Help Me Grow – Free Diagnostic Testing for children 5 & under in Escambia County, FL (1 year wait list)
- Masino Mental Health Services, Inc.
- Psychological Associates (Pensacola)
- University of Alabama at Birmingham – Civitan-Sparks Clinic (ASD Clinic)
- University of South Alabama Physicians Group
- Kids Dentist
- Comprehensive Dental Center
- McGilvray, John Dr. – Adult Dentist
- Mobile Pediatric Dentist (AL)
- Mobile Premier Dentistry (AL)
- Pensacola Kids Dentistry – Dr. Neil and Allison Simmons
- Ready Set Smile – Dr. Laura McAuley
- Sims Orthodontics
- Wild Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
Early Intervention
- Early Learning Coalition – Escambia County
- Early Learning Coalition – Santa Rosa
- Autism Navigator – Family Resources
- Early Steps
- Capstone Academy Charter School
- Child Find – FDLRS Emerald Coast
- Center for Independent Living of NWFL
- Cornerstone Special Education Alliance (IEP Advocacy)
- Escambia County School District; ESE Director: Sondra Hill
- Florida Dept. of Education Special Education Office
- Florida Department of Education
- FDLRS Emerald Coast: FL Diagnostic Learning & Resources System
- Florida Inclusion Network
- Gulf Coast School for Autism (Panama City)
- LearningRx
- Livelily Learning and Consulting
- Mother Clelia Morning Star High School (MCMSHS)
- Morning Star Program (Sacred Heart Cathedral Schools)
- myIEPadvocate – Amy Scott Lorton
- Santa Rosa County School District
- School Choice: Charter Schools and Vouchers
- South Walton Academy
- United Way 211
- Westonwood Ranch
- WrightsLaw (Parent Education Advocacy Resources)
Financial Resources
- Center for Independent Living of NWFL
- Community Action Program Committee (CAPC)
- iBudget Florida
- Modest Needs Foundation
- Step Up for Students
- SSI for Children with Disabilities
Private Schools
General Autism Information
- Autism Speaks Resource Guide
- Erica Wysoczynski, USA Benefits Group Independent Agent
- A Diary of A Mom
- Age of Autism
- Oops… Wrong Planet Syndrome
- Oasis (Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support)
- Organization for Autism Research
Government Involvement and Statewide Resources
- Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)
- Social Security Disability Benefits Resources: Florida
- Center for Autism Related Disabilities (CARD)
- Disability Rights Florida
- Escarosa Career Center
- Family Network on Disabilities of Florida
- Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST)
- Florida Developmental Disabilities Council
- Florida Center for Inclusive Communities
- Florida Legislature
- Medicaid Area 1 Program Office
- Office of Early Learning
- SED Network, Region I
- The Family Cafe
Local/Regional/State Organizations
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Health and Hope Clinic
- National Vaccine Information Center
National Organizations
- American Association of People with Disabilities
- Autism National Committee
- Autism Network International
- Autism Women’s Network
- Autism Women & Nonbinary Network
- Autism Society
- Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
- HSC Foundation
- National Council on Independent Living
- National Autism Association
- Self Advocates Become Empowered
- ATA Martial Arts
- Autism Pensacola Kids for Camp
- Autism Surfs Navarre
- Breathe Pensacola – Yoga
- Camp Fire
- Camp Smile
- Chuck E. Cheese – Sensory Sunday
- Fun 4 Emerald Coast Kids
- Martial Arts America
- Miracle League
- National Inclusion Project
- Pensacola Kid’s Place
- Santa America (In-home visit from Santa)
- Seastars
- Special Olympics Northwest Florida
- Skyzone Pensacola – Sensory Sunday
- Water Planet Dolphin Therapy
- West Florida Public Libraries: Serving Escambia County
- YMCA of Northwest Florida
- Encircle Life Ministries – Weekly respite for adults with disabilities
- PURE Friendship Ministries – Request a spot by posting on ; call 850-375-4790 or email
- Access Ministry Respite Care program @ Living Truth Church – Phone (850) 994-7698; Email:
Support Organizations
Therapy Centers
- 4 Paws for Ability (Service Dogs for children with disabilities)
- Across the Board Therapy Group (Ages 0-17. ABA/TriCare ONLY)
- Adult and Child Mental Health Care
- AARC: American Autism and Rehabilitation Center (AL)
- Avalon Center Lakeview (Santa Rosa Co.)
- Baptist Hospital Speech and Hearing Dr. Heather Steinle; Audiologist
- Beyond Expectations, Inc.
- Blue Jay Behavioral Consulting (No Insurance Accepted)
- Bridgeway Center (Crestview & Fort Walton Beach)
- BTEC Behavioral Therapy, Inc.
- Canopy Behavior Solutions (Walton County) (Accepts Medicaid)
- Capstone Academy – ABA, VPK, PT, OT, Speech Therapy
- Children’s Home Society (Western Division)
- Community Action Program
- Emerald Coast Autism Center (Niceville)
- Focus on Behavior (Panama City)
- Golden Steps ABA (In-Home/Virtual)
- Great Strides Rehab – Music Therapy (online Tele-health Services)
- Greater Pensacola Behavior Services (GPBS)
- Grey Matters Behavioral Services- ABA (Accepts Medicaid)
- Hogue, Jennifer – Pediatric Occupational Therapist
- House of Hearts ABA (Ages 2-16) (FL Medicaid accepted)
- Ira Wenze, Occupational Therapist
- Mahaffey, Dr. Teresa – Pediatrician (Pace)
- Masino Therapy Services (Outpatient Psychological Services)
- Minds on Music
- Pearl Nelson Child Development Center – PT, OT, Speech
- Pediatric Therapy Center of NW FL (Pace)
- Pivotal Behavior Solutions
- Positive Behavior Support (Team PBS) (In-Home Therapy)
- Proud Moments ABA
- Service Dog University
- The Arc Gateway’s Pearl Nelson Child Development Center
- Virtus Health
Therapeutic Riding Centers
We want to build quality communities in the Pensacola Bay Area for individuals and families affected by autism. We invite you to join us in building a community of people and connections. Make time to spend time with others who understand what you are going through by attending one of these Chat Groups. You’ll make friends and find answers from those who share the challenges and joys of living with autism.
- Connecting the Pieces Caregiver Support Chat: Meets every other Thursday. Check out our upcoming events calendar for dates, locations, and meeting times.
- Grandparents of Autism Pensacola (GAP): Meets at the Autism Pensacola office (10001 N. Davis Highway, Building 1, Pensacola, FL 32514) on the third Friday of each month at 10 am.